Voice have the wonderful opportunity to work in schools, helping children to develop as musicians whilst reflecting on what the songs mean to them and what they mean to us as Christians. Below, Abbi and Simon share their recent school experiences.
In Gayton and Heswall Primary Schools on the Wirral, I had the privilege of working with a year group from each school to deliver Voice projects. Each week we worked on a number of songs and explored the musical elements and story of each and how it should be sung. This allowed us to cover aspects of music theory and singing techniques in a fun and engaging way (including some hilarious vocal warm ups)! We also explored how we could learn from each song, whether it was about looking after the world we live in, living in a way that is kind and loving to others, and how God loves us and has a plan for our lives.
These projects last ten weeks and usually include a showcase at the end to display all that the children have learned for parents and guardians, but this term we did something a little different. At the end of the Autumn term, Voice were invited to sing at the Church of the Good Shepherd Christingle. As part of this, the two year groups I had been working with came to sing with our Junior Choir and Youth Choir members on the Wirral. The performance included a mix of contemporary Christian music and a more upbeat Christmas song, but they ultimately showed how God had a plan for the world through sending Jesus. The event brought together the local community to take part in the service and then finished with the turning on of the Christmas lights in Heswall. The children and young people sang brilliantly and it was so exciting to see the different parts of Voice on the Wirral joining together to bless the community!
I was fortunate to work with Years 2 and 3 in Bishop Martin in the Autumn, focusing on the beauty and variety of God’s creation, how it represents God’s power and love, and how we can take care of it. I was also delighted to work in partnership with St. Nicholas Academy to run singing projects with Year 5 in Banks Road and Garston CE primary schools. We brought together these children, together with our Voice Liverpool group, Bishop Martin school choir and students from St. Nicholas for a joint showcase in February. It was a really uplifting evening and great opportunity to breathe the light of life into the community. The highlights were the performance of ‘Never Walk Alone’ by Rend Collective and Bethany Gedge singing ‘I Have This Hope’ by Tenth Avenue North, wonderful reminders that we have been created to be known and loved by God and that His goodness and mercy always surround us.
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