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2022-02-19 16.20.32

Youth Weekend Retreat

By Cai Grimshaw It was such a pleasure to plan, run and be a part of our mini youth residential this year. I was so blessed by the time that we spent together and by all of the youth that joined us. It has been so long since we have been able to go away […]

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A New Season Begins

What an exciting few months it has been for Voice. Getting back to making music and exploring faith together, launching new groups in Prestbury, Liverpool, Runcorn, South Manchester and Nottingham and welcoming lots of new faces to our Voice family. We now have 15 Voice groups with over 130 children and young people making outstanding […]

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Tuning into Discipleship and Wellbeing

In this article, Voice leader Abbi reflects on our Tuned In Retreats and Mental Wellbeing Day. Over the past academic year, Voice have had the pleasure of running two Tuned In Retreat Days. These have come from a place of digging deeper in faith throughout the past year and through lockdown. I have personally found […]

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Youth Resi Goes Online

In August, Voice ran their first youth residential online, with the theme of ‘Connect.’ Here, team leader Abbi reflects on a fantastic time together. “Alongside the fun of a murder mystery, games, quizzes and worship, we have been looking at how we connect with God this week at our online alternative to our summer residential. […]

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Junior Weekend at Home

Instead of going away for our annual junior residential, from 12-14 June we ran our Voice Weekend at Home! The team ran four fantastic sessions over Zoom. On the Friday evening we danced and laughed our through our houseparty, full of disappearing acts and dance moves. The next day, we had two sessions during which […]

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Praise Choir & Voiceathon Announced

During the current season of uncertainty, Voice are launching two fundraisers to help sustain our work with children and young people. We hope that these fundraisers will not only raise helpful funds, but also be a blessing to those taking part, giving them exciting new experiences and the chance to sing their hearts out with […]

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Songwriting Retreat Review

In October 2019, Voice in partnership with Emu Music ran our Youth Songwriting Retreat. Here, one of our young songwriters, Hannah, shares of her time away: “When we woke up on the Saturday, we had a quiet time of reflection. It was unusual for me as normally mornings are the times when you get up […]

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Summer Resi a Smash Hit!

Our Voice Youth Residential 2019 was another huge success. Here, team leader Cai shares her thoughts on our time away. This year I was able to be a part of the team running the Voice Residential for the first time. I’ve been coming to the residential as a camper since 2015 and I really enjoyed […]

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Voice Estonia 2019

Voice had the joy of returning to Estonia in July 2019 to run our second Voice Music Camp there. Team leader Cai reflects on her time there. Going back to Estonia this year was a blessing in many ways for a lot of us. For me personally it was a chance to see the friends […]

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Voice Looks to the Future

What a summer it has been! A remarkable time in Estonia followed by a wonderful week away at our youth residential in Lancaster. We have had so much fun, seen young people give their lives to the Lord, celebrated baptisms, shared the gospel through concerts and flash mobs, and we have been able to draw […]

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