Voice Youth Group – Registration Form Child detailsName(Required) First Last Date of birth(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Member of Voice group:(Required)Hazel GroveHeatonsHeswallLiverpoolLymmMaitlandRadfordRuncornSaleWoodthorpeSinger or Instrumentalist (or both) Singer Instrumentalist InstrumentGrade or equivalentI give permission for my child to be emailed directly about Voice related activities Yes No Child email address Enter Email Confirm Email Parent / Guardian detailsPlease give names of all parents/guardians who may be transporting to and from rehearsals.Parent/Guardian Name(Required)FirstLast Add RemoveClick the 'plus' icon to register additional namesAddress(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City Post Code Home Phone(Required)Mobile(Required)Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Emergency Contact DetailsPlease provide details for an additional person that can be contacted if the principle contact above is unreachable. Contact Name(Required) First Last Relationship(Required)Home Phone(Required)Mobile(Required)Doctor DetailsDoctor's Name(Required) First Last Practice Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City Post Code Phone(Required)Medical DetailsPlease give details of any health problems, medical conditions, allergies, medication or any additional needs to help us in caring for your child:I give permission for sticking plasters to be used on my child when necessary:(Required) Yes No Other ConsentsI am happy for Voice to include my child in group videos and photographs of activities, which may be used in future publicity or other material produced by Voice.(Required) Yes No Please provide any limitations you would like us to comply with:I give consent for my child to make their own way home after Voice rehearsals.(Required) Yes No I would like to be added to the WhatsApp parent group to receive notifications regarding my child's regular Voice sessions.(Required) Yes No I would like to receive occasional email newsletters keeping me informed of the wider work of Voice. Yes please Voice will never sell or swap your data with another organisation and will store your details securely, respecting your trust and privacy. We will respect how often we contact you and you can change this at any time by emailing [email protected].By submitting this form I give permission for my child to take part in the normal weekly activities of their Voice Group. I understand that leaders will take all reasonable care in looking after my child, but cannot necessarily be held responsible for any loss or damage to property. In an emergency, if I cannot be contacted despite all reasonable attempts to do by leaders, I give permission for my child to undergo emergency medical/dental treatment including the use of anaesthetics as considered necessary by the medical authorities. I give permission for Voice to use the personal data given on this form in relation to my child attending Voice activities and for use in safeguarding records. PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ