Every year Voice run residentials for primary and secondary aged children, bringing together young musicians from all over the country to make exceptional music, have loads of fun and learn more about our incredible God.
Voice Junior Residential (8-11 year olds)
This holiday is for anyone aged 8-11 who loves to sing! Join us to learn some fantastic songs, explore the Bible, take part in fun activities and perform a final show to family and friends. Click here for more information.
Voice Youth Residential (11-18 year olds)
Singers and instrumentalists from across the country join to create a unique ensemble that rehearse and perform a concert especially arranged for them. We spend time digging into God’s word as well as taking part in a variety of exciting activities. Grow your gifts, deepen your faith, make new friends! More information about our next Voice Music Residential click here.
Youth Songwriting Retreat
A chance to get away for the weekend, get creative, develop your songwriting skills, be inspired by the Bible and express your faith through your music.
Information about our next retreat will be coming soon!
What our musicians have to say:
Congratulations on running such an epic residential!! It was so amazing. It really changed me.
The Voice Residential was a huge spiritual growth spurt for me and is another week to add to my tray labelled ‘never to forget’. I had a massive grin on my face the entire time and I’ve never felt such a performance with all my heart.
I’ve made friends that I’ll keep for a long time, if not for life and I can’t wait